Mittwoch, 15. September 2010

Supernatural: Vorschau auf Staffel 6

The CW ist ja im Moment so sehr damit beschäftigt, seine Neustarts (Nikita, Hellcats) zu bewerben, dass es um Supernatural recht ruhig geworden ist.
Natürlich hat The Ausiello Files ( trotzdem einen exklusiven Ausblick.
Unter dem Video entstand eine recht hübsche kleine Diskussion, ausgelöst von diesem Kommentar:
"What a bad show. goes against Christianity, This show and its fans deserve to burn in hell."
Nett, nicht wahr?
Ich hab einfach mal die besten Antworten der User rausgesucht:
-And I am guessing you would rather partake in the prests belonging Catholic church’s new favorite past time? Sinner
-well Sam and Dean are just so hot I don’t mind burning in hell!!
-Actually, I watch it with God every Thursday night. He’s a Dean kind of guy. We agree to disagree.
-dude…its worth going to hell for…i can tell you that much right now =D
-[...]save all of us a place when you get there, OK?
-Not seeing a problem here – Castiel will raise us from Perdition.
-alright [...]… let me tell you this: it is a TV show, get over it!! and if you don’t like shows like this then take a sledge hammer to your tv so you won’t go to hell for watching even 5 minutes of it.
-Wishing upon someone to burn in hell means you are going to hell as well.
-I knew I was going to hell! Thank you for your confirmation!! I will sleep better tonight now, of course after I rip the wings off butterflies
-[...]as God can I say that I fully support this show. If anything pisses me off, it is over religious people like you. Now let’s hunt some demon ass!
-I guess going to hell with good people is way better than going to Heaven with people like you !
-You guys do realize this is a troll being fed by every single reply? Including mine.
-Maybe you should partake in the Catholic church’s favorite activity, molesting children and covering it up. I’m sure God would love you then. [das ist jetzt ein bisschen fies]
-[..]wow you need a life..have a drink..have some Supernatural..then go see a shrink..
-BWAAA HAAA HAAA HAAA! I love reading the comments of delusional people.
-Well, aren’t we all going to hell already for reading Harry Potter? I say, let’s enjoy ourselves on the way down.
-What a weird comment to make, I laughed so much after reading it gave me hiccups … lol
Daraus folgte ein Streit darüber, ob TVD besser als SN ist...
natürlich waren da viel mehr Kommentare, aber da sieht man mal, wie man mit zwei Sätzen eine Lawine lostreten kann. Typisch Internet.

Okay, zurück zu der Show: Wer das Video sehen will, muss auf den Link oben klicken, aber ich hab auf Youtube auch noch einen kürzeren (weniger spoilerreichen) Trailer aufgetrieben.

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